Making Our House Our Home, Step 3: Stair Renovation!

Stair Renovation

My third post in my “Making Our House Our Home” series, our Stair renovation! Boy was this a process. I honestly had no idea what I was getting into when we decided to Continue Reading…


Officially a Homeowner! My Tips for Staying Sane During the Home Buying Process

First Time Home Buyer

Whew! We made it, we got through the storm called the “home buying process”! Back in March of this year my husband and I decided that we could no longer deal with apartment living. We have been married for over 3 years and we both have steady careers, a decent savings (but nothing over the top, don’t get me wrong), and we were beginning to seriously think about our future and where we wanted to lay down our roots. Where would we want to raise our children, more closet space, and a place that was more private…we were ready to begin looking for Continue Reading…
