DIY VW Cozy Coupe Transformation!

The original LittleTikes Cozy Coupe is a staple in so many children’s households! Growing up, even I had one! I came across a bunch of videos where parents were completely hacking them and I thought, wow, what a great idea! I am going to be listing everything we used to go from the before photo to the final one. The Volkswagen version is just such a showstopper 😍. If you want to make your very own version of this, check out the details below!

The Links:

Original Cozy Coupe:

Spray Paint: (gloss)

Spray Paint: (gloss)

Sand Paper:

Light Stickers:

Customized License Plate:

VW Hub Caps:

VW Emblem for Hood: (also search eBay!)


Chrome trim:

All Stickers for Surfboard purchased from Etsy [Search surfboard stickers!]

My husband had a field day creating this masterpiece! Our little guy LOVES it and we never stop getting stopped and asked about it when we are out! It came together even better than we could have ever imagined 😊 One day, we hope to own one of the original Volkswagen Vanagons, for now, we will have to settle for this mini version 😆

Tips & Tricks

  • **We were sure to let the paint dry for a week or so outside to try and make sure there was minimal smell going forward since we know spray paint isn’t the best 😩
  • When sanding, make sure to sand very thoroughly, helps the spray paint adhere much better, we learned the hard way!
  • There are SO MANY different textures on the Cozy Coupe. The spray paint won’t look the same in all areas and if this bothers you, like it did my husband 🤪, head over to your local hardware store and get the regular paint version of whatever spray paint you used. He went back over lots of the spots using a brush and regular paint.
  • YOUR COZY COUPE WILL CHIP EVENTUALLY in some places! It’s inevitable. In places that there is a lot of wear, like the door jam, it will chip, THAT’S OK, IT’S A KIDS TOY haha If you are super concerned about this, you can probably throw a clear sealant over everything?
  • We adhered the surfboard with command strips to the roof. Transporting this to the park is near impossible with the surfboard attached so having the ability to take it off and then just put it back on whenever we wanted was clutch!
  • We drilled 2 holes in the grill and attached the VW emblem that had two pegs sticking out, directly into it. Also added some E6000 glue to each peg before pushing them in.
  • Chrome stripping is SUPER easy to adhere.

Checkout how we put it all together HERE!

Any more questions, leave them in the comments below!


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