DIY VW Cozy Coupe Transformation!

The original LittleTikes Cozy Coupe is a staple in so many children’s households! Growing up, even I had one! I came across a bunch of videos where parents were completely hacking them and I thought, wow, what a great idea! I am going to be listing everything we used to go from the before photo to the final one. The Volkswagen version is just such a showstopper 😍. If you want to make your very own version of this, check out the details below!

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My Home Gym: From the Ground Up!

My home gym

My home gym project is one of the most intense ones we have taken on to date! When we purchased this home, we always knew we wanted to do something like this with the open space in our yard. Truthfully, we put it off because we knew it was going to be a big, time consuming, expensive project. Cut to April 2020, and all of a sudden gyms are closing everywhere due to the pandemic. Our timeline was suddenly bumped up, by a LOT!

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How I Upgraded My Old Patio Set for $50!

How can you spend around $50 and instantly upgrade your old worn down patio set?! A little patience, and some good quality materials. When we first toured our current home in an open house, I absolutely LOVED this dining set. It was a good quality wood, but was a little run down and worn out. We were lucky enough to have the previous owners leave this for us. I am not an expert DIY-er, but I like to consider myself someone who isn’t scared to at least try out little things here and there. In this post I will break down what I did to bring this outdoor dining set valued at almost $2500, back to life with just $50 👍🏽

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DIY: Baby Shower Prizes People Actually Want!

gift baskets for baby shower

Take it from me, having been to a million baby and bridal showers has proven one thing. If the prizes aren’t great, the games are a drag! My sister’s baby shower is around the corner so I wanted to take this opportunity to create a few prizes that I knew people would actually want! I created this gift basket by visiting just one store, WIN! If you’re interested in seeing how this came out and where I purchased everything from, keep scrolling 😊

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How to Make Any Closet a Shoe Closet under $50!

Shoe Closet Transformation

So here I was one day thinking, I love my house, but I seriously hate the lack of Continue Reading…


DIY Step Hem Jeans With Photos!

Step Hem Jeans

They seem to be all the rage in our favorite stores to shop, the step hem jean trend! I initially purchased my first pair during the Nordstrom sale and got an awesome deal. The problem with my purchase, however, was that the Continue Reading…
