Rustic Farmhouse Christmas Decor

Christmas Tree-Walmart, Tree Bucket- Crate & Barrel, Garland Ribbon, Ornaments, Nativity, Accent Table-HomeGoods, Ornaments-Hobby Lobby, Foot Stool, Pillow, Lantern- Decor Steals, Accent Chair- Bed Bath & Beyond, Little Tree- Hobby Lobby

Happy Winter Everyone!! It’s been about three full weeks since I began transforming my tiny little apartment into a farmhouse/rustic, yet glamorous, North Pole 🙂 I can officially say I am done! Honey, did you hear that? No more early morning trips to my favorite home decor stores, no more pacing around the store Continue Reading…


Women’s Holiday Gift Guide

It never fails, each and every year my family asks me “what would you like for Christmas?”, to which I respond, “I don’t know!” I have carefully curated this list of items that range from candles to over the knee boots. These are all pieces that Continue Reading…


Thanksgiving Outfit With Black Friday Deals!

Black Friday, Outfit, Thanksgiving

Who else opted for a more casual vibe this Thanksgiving? I typically glam it up during the holidays but this year I wanted to be comfortable yet still fashionable and I think this outfit really captured my vision! For the holidays my husband and I always travel between two locations to see both of our families. This means Continue Reading…


Steals: 3 New Pairs of Fall Transition Shoes Under $40!

When it comes to shoes, Target is really hit or miss. This Fall season I was so lucky to find SO many beautiful shoes at Target! I hit he jackpot with these three finds. They are each on trend, very affordable, and most of all comfortable! I wore the heeled mules just yesterday for an entire day of shopping and was not only complimented on them several times, but forgot Continue Reading…


From Sunny Hikes to Frigid Glaciers: My Trip to Canada!

Wow, what an amazing 30th birthday I had. Honestly, I end up traveling for my birthday every year lately but this was by far the most amazing place I have ever been to thus far. My husband surprised me with this trip just one week before we were set to leave. I got to researching immediately because when I travel I like to have a clear plan to make the most of each day. Our trip began with a flight from Continue Reading…


Splurges & Steals: The Mule Fashion Trend!

Suffice it to say, you have probably been living under a rock if you have not come across the endless posts on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Facebook featuring bloggers showing off this trend. Yes, I am hinting at the mule trend, the flat mule trend to be more precise. I get so nostalgic when I think of this trend, in a good way! I feel like these will be a great transition into Fall as well wearing them in suedes, patterns and jewel tones. You see, here’s what I love about them, Continue Reading…


DIY Step Hem Jeans With Photos!

Step Hem Jeans

They seem to be all the rage in our favorite stores to shop, the step hem jean trend! I initially purchased my first pair during the Nordstrom sale and got an awesome deal. The problem with my purchase, however, was that the Continue Reading…


My Birthday in Cape Cod & Martha’s Vineyard

What a wonderful way to spend your birthday, in a shore town with beautiful homes, stunning sunsets and incredible food! What originally drew me to Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard was how much it was spoken about in all of the Jacqueline Kennedy books I’ve read over the years. It is where the Kennedy’s spent many days vacationing, raising their family and enjoying life. It was always spoken about in a very high manner and really always left me wondering what the fuss was all about. I knew celebrating my 30th birthday was Continue Reading…


My Sister’s Bachelorette: Annapolis, MD!

A 4 hour road trip and I was there, with my sister and the other bridesmaids in tow. We had arrived in Annapolis, Maryland for my sister’s bachelorette weekend around noon and we were greeted with nasty rainy weather. Most of the photos I was able to snap this weekend were done so in the middle of a rainy gust, but I still think they came out rather beautiful! You will not believe your eyes when you see Continue Reading…


Splurge: Buying My First Chanel!

I did it, I splurged! I had absolutely no intention of purchasing anything this grand while on my honeymoon. My intentions quickly went out the window when I laid eyes on this handbag though. I remember looking up what Chanel boutique featured the stairs to Coco Chanel’s apartment the evening before. I noted down that it was the boutique on Continue Reading…
