DIY VW Cozy Coupe Transformation!

The original LittleTikes Cozy Coupe is a staple in so many children’s households! Growing up, even I had one! I came across a bunch of videos where parents were completely hacking them and I thought, wow, what a great idea! I am going to be listing everything we used to go from the before photo to the final one. The Volkswagen version is just such a showstopper 😍. If you want to make your very own version of this, check out the details below!

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My 3 Year Journey to My Miracle Rainbow Baby: An IVF Story

Married man and woman on their wedding day.

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage…right? Who else remembers this song? lol It easily set me up for this false preconceived notion that not long after marrying my soulmate, I would be able to simply have a baby. I wanted to, we wanted to, it was our dream, but little did we know, this dream would take way longer to achieve.

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Distant Learning in Preschool: My To-Go Learning Bags!

Disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission should you chose to make a purchase using my links. It’s okay- I love all of these companies anyways, and you will too!

Teacher holding educational bag of items for her preschool class.

Wow, where to begin?! Did I ever think I would have to write a post about things I am doing to support distant learning with my students? Definitely not, but here we are and we MUST persevere through this trying time. Thursday, March 12th was the last time my students and I were together in our classroom. I sent them home thinking we would just be gone for a week and then things would simmer down and I would get to see their beautiful faces again…little did I know.

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DIY: Mimosa Bar with Free Printables!

Free Printable Mimosa Signs

Creating a fun mimosa bar drink station is the prefect way to add something special to your next event! I used these to create a station at my sister’s baby shower last weekend and it was a hit. I know how time consuming and expensive it can be to plan the perfect event so I have taken the time to create and share these printable with you for FREE!

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DIY: Baby Shower Prizes People Actually Want!

gift baskets for baby shower

Take it from me, having been to a million baby and bridal showers has proven one thing. If the prizes aren’t great, the games are a drag! My sister’s baby shower is around the corner so I wanted to take this opportunity to create a few prizes that I knew people would actually want! I created this gift basket by visiting just one store, WIN! If you’re interested in seeing how this came out and where I purchased everything from, keep scrolling 😊

Continue Reading…Alysea-5

A Social Media Cleanse for the Soul!

Choosing to unplug in a world of social media

On my my journey to social media cleansing, I thought I would share with you all why I decided to do this, and why it has been so refreshing!

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Officially a Homeowner! My Tips for Staying Sane During the Home Buying Process

First Time Home Buyer

Whew! We made it, we got through the storm called the “home buying process”! Back in March of this year my husband and I decided that we could no longer deal with apartment living. We have been married for over 3 years and we both have steady careers, a decent savings (but nothing over the top, don’t get me wrong), and we were beginning to seriously think about our future and where we wanted to lay down our roots. Where would we want to raise our children, more closet space, and a place that was more private…we were ready to begin looking for Continue Reading…


Valentine’s Day Gift Guide For Him!


valentines day mens gift guide Nespresso

Each year around this time, I am beginning to concoct ideas on what to gift my Husband with. Truth be told, he is the type of guy who would be happy with anything, he’s not picky at all! Yet this still doesn’t alleviate any pressure I feel to find the perfect gift. Expensive or not, gifting someone you love is a way for youContinue Reading…


Hello world!

How appropriate to begin this new venture of mine on the 4th of July, a day that celebrates freedom! Writing and sharing things that make me happy are the ultimate sense of freedom, really. My previous blog has dried up and wilted, suddenly I became disinterested in what I was writing. I was growing (getting married, graduating college, starting my career), and my blog got lost in the dust somewhere in between. It was time for Continue Reading…
